Elevate your SEO with AI SEO Squad

AI SEO Squad is much more than just a tool. It’s a complete team of autonomous SEO agents, each specialized in a specific role, working for you.

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Grow Your Organic Traffic

The AI SEO Squad will handle it all

It will connect to your product database, find new arrivals or sales, create a post for your website, and share perfectly tailored content on social media.

Connects to Your Product Feed

Our solution's standout feature is its ability to generate highly tailored, unique, and useful content directly from your product API, ensuring it relates to your products, promotions, and new arrivals.

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Online Research

AI SEO Squad consists of autonomous agents, each specialized in a specific task. A unique feature of our solution is an online researcher that enriches the content created.

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Content Critique

Content critique is another standout feature of our solution. Each text is meticulously reviewed and refined by a specialized AI agent until it reaches the highest quality.

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AI SEO Squad

What you get

AI SEO Squad is more than just an app or a service. It's a whole team of AI agents working together to ensure your company's success. It's like hiring an entire department of SEO specialists, always operating with the utmost care, accuracy, and precision.

App screenshot
AI SEO Manager
Responsible for assigning tasks and overseeing the entire content creation process.
AI SEO Copywriter
Specialized in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized text based on the provided materials.
AI Researcher
Its role is to deepen the post's topic by searching the internet and gathering sources to enrich the final content.
AI SEO Analyst
It analyzes both your website and your competitors, as well as your most important keywords. This information helps create the most relevant blog content.
AI SEO Link Building Specialist
This agent's task is to insert the most relevant internal links into the blog post, strengthening your internal linking and promoting your landing pages.
AI Technical SEO Specialist
It analyzes and corrects each blog post's HTML structure to ensure it includes all essential SEO attributes, tags, and elements.

I recently had the pleasure of working with AI SEO Squad to improve our site's SEO and it exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Their tool, AI for SEO has been nothing short of amazing. Within the first few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in our SEO performance. The results were truly satisfying, demonstrating the tool's effectiveness and reliability.

Agnes G.
Vice President of Business Development at SYUJ

It’s a Comprehensive Solution

How It Works

Our innovative process features a team of seven specialized AI agents, each expertly focused on specific SEO tasks, ensuring top-tier results at every step.

  • assign-user-solid
    AI SEO Manager assigns tasks to AI Researcher to collect data from the API
  • AI Researcher

    Data Collection

    The AI SEO Researcher pulls data from your product feed (API), with the option to connect multiple sources. Using new arrivals helps promote them better and creates unique content. It also checks for new blog posts to sync with your content flow, allowing you to set it to publish when you haven’t posted or at specific intervals. Additionally, it can use your blog data to enhance internal linking.

  • AI Researcher saves data to AI Squad Shared DB and informs AI SEO Manager
  • assign-user-solid
    AI SEO Manager asks AI SEO Strategy Specialist to Gather SEO Goals
  • AI SEO Strategy Specialist

    Gathering SEO Goals

    With our AI SEO Squad, you can set multiple goals. You can select the landing pages you want to promote the most, which the SEO manager will focus on building internal links for. You can define product categories, keywords, and other elements that you want to enhance for SEO. The SEO manager will use this information to compile and integrate it with other collected data in the best possible way.

  • assign-user-solid
    AI SEO Manager asks AI Researcher to do Online Research
  • AI Researcher

    Online Research

    To create better, richer, and more relevant content, the AI Researcher will conduct online research. The information gathered will be combined with previously collected data from earlier sources. This way, the final text will be more comprehensive, unique, and optimized for SEO.

  • assign-user-solid
    AI SEO Manager asks AI SEO Link Building Specialist to select best LP for the topic
  • AI SEO Link Building Specialist

    Internal Link Building

    The AI SEO Squad allows you to identify the key landing pages you want to boost in SEO. We recommend setting up around 10-15 of these pages. At this stage, the AI SEO Link Building Specialist matches the landing pages you’ve defined with its collected content to create the most natural and organic internal linking. The final content will include appropriately tagged and seamlessly integrated links to the most relevant landing pages on your website.

  • assign-user-solid
    AI SEO Manager gathers all the data collected so far and passes it to the AI SEO Copywirter
  • AI SEO Copywriter

    Internal Link Building

    Only after gathering all the information, organizing it, and selecting the most suitable landing pages and keywords from your site, does our AI SEO Copywriter begin writing the first draft of the blog post. In the following stages, this text will undergo several rounds of review, focusing on both content quality and SEO goals.

  • AI Content Critic evaluates the quality and accuracy of the text, checking it against all quality standards and SEO goals. If needed, it asks the AI SEO Copywirter to make corrections as many times as necessary to ensure the content meets the required standards.
  • AI SEO Copywriter

    Final Draft

    After completing the content quality step, where the text is reviewed and revised until all quality guidelines are met, we produce the ‘final draft.’ This is a working document ready for publication on the website (once properly formatted) and can also serve as a source for other media.

  • AI Social Media Manager

    Prepare Social Media Posts

    Based on the final draft, the content is formatted and trimmed to fit each social media platform appropriately.

  • AI SEO Manager

    Publish on The Website

    In this step, the final text is formatted according to your website’s styles. The appropriate fonts, colors, and text styles are applied as per your template. After this step, the generated text goes live on your website.

  • AI SEO Strategy Specialist

    Monitoring SEO Pefromance

    Our AI SEO Squad is constantly learning and improving. Every published page is monitored and evaluated for SEO performance. Based on the analysis of content and its performance, the AI SEO Strategy Specialist develops a plan for future content.


Our Affordable Pricing Plans

We endeavored to create the most versatile pricing plan, but if you have not found a package that meets your needs, please contact us and we will tailor it to your requirements.


Ideal for businesses aiming to boost their online presence.

$800 /month

Buy plan
  • 25 High-Quality Posts Per Month
  • Quality Assurance Checks
  • SEO Strategy to Build Trust and Topical Authority
  • Multi-Channel Posting, 5 Platforms
  • Up to 125 Social Media Posts


Most popular

Perfect for businesses focused on rapid growth.

$1500 /month

Buy plan
  • 100 High-Quality Posts Per Month
  • Quality Assurance Checks
  • SEO Strategy to Build Trust and Topical Authority
  • Multi-Channel Posting, 5 platforms
  • Regular Competitor Checks
  • Manageable Task Planning
  • Up to 500 Social Media Posts


$3000 /month

Buy plan
  • 300 High-Quality Posts Per Month
  • Quality Assurance Checks
  • SEO Strategy to Build Trust and Topical Authority
  • Multi-Channel Posting, 5 platforms
  • Regular Competitor Checks
  • Manageable Task Planning
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Human SEO Expert Extended Supervision
  • Up to 1500 Social Media posts

Boost your Website SEO.
Hire AI SEO Squad Today.

Act now and seize the lead. Don’t let the competition get ahead of you. Be the trailblazer!

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